Sunday, June 13, 2010

salvaged pieces

I have been working on felt paintngs all week......
The customers who ordered the commission piece came in to see it and they were very happpy...
I frustrated with one painting and after an early morning felting party (me & the felt)...I decided to cut it up. Two thirds were framed as painting and the other third (grrrrr) was made into pouches!!!!!!I am happy with the salvaged pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Kececi está bellísimo me encanta el color que lograste!,no te sientas mal todos somos un poco autocríticos de nuestros propios trabajos y al final nos damos cuenta que lo que hemos realizado es precioso .Todos tus trabajos me parecen sacados de un mundo de fantasía y eso me fascina!por eso me gusta tanto ésta técnica deja volar la imaginación.te mando una lluvia de BESOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
