Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mehmet Girgic UNESCO Living Treasure in Turkey

Mehmet Girgic was given the distinction of national Living Treasure of Turkey by UNESCO for his lifelong work as a felt maker. UNESCO believes living expressions of cultural traditions especially through oral history is critically important. I have witnessed first hand that this accolade is well deserved. Mehmet has not only promoted the craft of felt but also taught this craft to numerous individuals around the globe! Congratulations!


  1. Bravo!! You are really great! I love felting(really beginner: I just started learning wet felt technique 12 months ago) and I find your blog the most interesting on the matter. It's a pity to live so far from your country.
    Again congratulations.

  2. Dear Teresa, it is indeed very very special that Mehmet is getting this price. I also know how deserved this is as I know how dedicated he is to his feltmaking and how passionated he is when teaching. Also as a person he is great. I'll mention this price also on my blog and give a link to yours. Off now to read your other posts - i'am a follower! Best regards, Dorie
